Postcards from home

What is HOME? Where do you feel like HOME and why? What do you miss? Is there an old photo, an object, a smell, that makes you feel at HOME

 Postcards from home© is an art community project, developed online and offline, that brings together local communities, refugees and artists to reflect and create on the idea of HOME. 

 2days-workshops were implemented:  

  •  one with women refugees from a refugee accommodation in Berlin-Lichtenberg,(10-12 participants)
  • one with a theatre group of elder people im Nachbarschaftsheim in Neukölln (10 participants) and 
  • one in collaboration with fellow Kostas Korres in Hamburg. (3 children-participants due to snowfall)

Individuals and different communities participated in the online facebook group (510 likes on 9.12.2016) responding to a website and an international facebook event call. 71 Postcards have been received by 9.12.2016. 

Each postcard has on one side the picture taken from the participant and on the back side of the postcard the story/text of the photo, along with the details of the participant, if he/she wants to share them. Postcards are uploaded and presented in a permanent exhibition on the website A series of 10 postcards was printed and handed to workshops participants and a limited edition of 10 packages has been created. 


Postcardsfrom home is an ongoing project and you may participate :

Postcards from HOME is a project by Photini Papahatzi. It started in 0ctober 2016 during her jobshadowing in Gesellschaft für Humanistische Fotografie, Berlin in the framework of “START – Create Cultural Change”, a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, conducted in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki and the German Association of Sociocultural Centers@soziokultur.

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